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Acts 11:19-30  Foundational Acts of a True New Testament Church

The history of the true church from the cross to the present.

What should we find in a church existing today that was present in the first church?


I.                    (v.20-21) Whosoever will.  Greeks as well as Jews.

II.                  (v. 23a) Grace – Salvation is through Jesus and His righteousness, not our own.

III.                (v.23b) Glad – Full of cheer, calmly happy.  An attitude of contentment and joy in your life.

IV.                (v.23c) Seperation – Cleave unto the Lord.  If you start hanging around a new crowd you have to stop hanging around the old crowd.  If you stop going to new places, you have to stop going to the old places.  If you give all you love and devotion to God you can not give all your love and devotion to another.

V.                  (v.26) Called Christians.  This was a derogatory name.  They earned it because of what they were acting like.
We have earned our name, “Hypocrites,” rightfully.

VI.                (v.28) Warnings.  We must warn people of upcoming danger.  A pastor that does not have some warning messages and some danger messages is not preaching the full council of the Word of God.

VII.              (v. 29-30) Missions.  Salvation should be the main agenda of any mission outreach.  People getting saved should be able to attend a local church. 

  All of these areas should be manifested in the local church.  What area or areas in our church can be worked on?