

Much Work To Be Done   Ezra 1:5-11

  The first four verses of Ezra is a picture of foreign missions.  The last seven verses are a picture of local church outreach.


1.       (Comfort of God’s People) People are at ease in Babylon – don’t want to give up their lifestyle, land, neighbors, work.

2.      ( Condition of the World) This world is in desperate need.

3.      ( Compelling of the Word) We can’t dictate righteousness or desire, but we can offer and present the need.  Saturate it in prayer.  Matthew 9:38



  I.Leaders must be stirred  (v.5)

 II. Laborers must be sensitive  (v.6) “about them”  in their circle, etc…  They helped in many ways.
  Triumphial Entry entailed garments and palm leaves.


III. Lord must be present  (v.7-11) All the power and riches that God has had in the past is available to us today.